Monday, May 13, 2013

Any questions?
it's a personal choice fitness equals health ?????
or does health mean fitness?

Body weight only strength training

warm up using movements that require extension, flexion of joints including hips, spine and shoulders.
Perform 25 reps 5 sets each movement or until muscular failure or use reverse pyramid 10 to 1 rep per set

 Squat from a kneeling position, go forward to push up position rather than up, use your hands to "walk" to push up position, perform push up,  return to start position, repeat for rep
Perform low Bear crawl using the longest space you have go forward and then reverse if room is small repeat for a timed duration of 3-5 minutes, maintain neutral spine alignment
Perform Squat Press using body weight, as you stand up press arms overhead as you squat bring arms down
Rest as needed

Perform 1 Arm Rows from modified Push up position, Perform Chest Press Fly from same position place hands on towels slide hands apart and together as you lower chest to floor
Perform Shoulder Press from "Pike" position, feet and hands on floor.
60 minute time limit rest as needed but don't go over .
 Any questions you have now been Beasted

Challenge yourself 
Using a reverse pyramid 10 reps down to 1 rep
Perform Burpees or Rear Lunges  and jumping jacks or seal jacks
2 exercises performed as fast you can based on ability to maintain good form all sets completed 10 minutes or less

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Tomorrow's workout :
warm up as needed, stretch warm muscles not cold

Kneeling butt to heel, hands on floor shoulder width apart: walk forward to Push up position, perform push up, return to start and repeat , 24 reps as fast as you can, rest
Repeat decreasing reps by 4 each set,  complete 5 sets, last set of 8 reps.

Perform 8 Squats & 12 Single leg dead lifts using body weight only, perform 4 sets of each, add 4 reps per set. Note perform straight leg dead lifts


Perform Seal jacks & rear lunges 25:15 Alternate legs Rear lunges, 4 sets each exercise

Record the time it takes to complete the workout after you stretch

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Better body by Body

 Health implies fitness but not inherently the opposite. Strength training, endurance training don't require heavy weights or machines, just your body. Face  it you are one of a kind and so is your body.
It knows how to sit aka squat, walk aka lunge. It knows how to push and pull and how much force it needs to do all these things. If you doubt any of these facts please observe children . Hint they don't join gyms to learn to do what they already can.
A question how much weight do you lift if you walk up 2 flights of 12 stairs 4 times daily?
Hint your hands are empty and there is no railing and a crowd following you.
Body weight training versus selectorized machines and equipment  or you moving to where you want to be doing what you want to do.

Friday, March 22, 2013

good impressions

here is the last place you left the impression you had a good workout, don't you miss it?