It's been a while since I posted here. Work and continuing to learn has kept me busy.
Today's goals are easy: choose the best way to train for your life and goals.
I presently use a combination of training regimens: "Escalating Density Training", "Crossfit" , and varied resistance training assets/ equipment. The assets along with Circuit & Peripheral Heart Training form the basis of what Fit For Fun Personal Training is. Also known as Fit4Fun, I use this regimen to help my clients achieve a myriad of fitness goals. Each individual, like their bodies and goals is unique, their regimen has to be tailored to them. I hope my advice posted here will be helpful to you. There is no substitute for common sense and the best source of this is your own. Before beginning or following any fitness program, Prepare yourself. See your physician, your present health is paramount is deciding what is safe for you to do. If you exercise regularly at a gym or have a certified Personal Trainer have a fitness evaluation. The information provided by your physician and your personal training will be the cornerstone of your fitness program. Now you're ready to begin... Let's start with a self paced session using the Tabata protocol. Tabata protocol : 20 second workout interval, 10 second rest interval with a preset time goal, i.e. 3 minutes. This protocol is challenging and should be treated as advanced cardioendurance routine. Listen to your body, set a time goal before you start, remember work no longer than 20 seconds and rest no longer than 10 seconds. You will challenge your muscles with light loads and your cardiovascular system as well. If your able to complete 2 - 3 minutes of this routine, great, rest and start again. Record your results: load, reps and overall time. Now the workout: using kettle bells or dumbbells, perform dead lifts, squats, 2 arm swings, overhead press, overhead squats, push ups, rows, ab curls*, back extensions*. * denotes exercises that use body weight only no external load needed. Arrange the exercises in a sequence that allows a quick transition between exercises and takes 10 seconds or less allowing you to maintain your intervals. Post your results here.
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